At 04:48 PM Monday 10/27/2008, Claes Wallin wrote:
>Modern version (and possibly a digression):
>(1) If a country's government is forced out of the capital and loses
>control of most of the country, is the area controlled by that
>government still the original country, only with a drastically
>diminished territory?
>(2) If the opposition of a country's government forces the government
>out of the capital and announces a new constitution, is the entity ruled
>by the new constitution simply the same country, only with a new
>In 1949-1972 the governments of the world seem to have felt that
>the answer to (1) was "yes" and the answer to (2) was "no". In 1972 the
>position was reversed. So which is true?

Which specific country[ies] are you thinking of which changed in 1949 and 1972?

. . . ronn!  :)


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