At 10:05 PM Monday 10/27/2008, Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:

>Mostly that was just a weird story that leaves you going "Huh?", but
>false analogy is used a lot. One of the best ones was popular some years
>back, before the Republican party descended into outright criminality.
>It goes like this: "The government is just like a family, it cannot live
>beyond its means." Many people who gave the outward appearance of
>intelligence bought into this one, but it fails at the outset. The
>government is not just like a family. In fact, one could search far and
>wide and have trouble finding two institutions more unlike than a
>government and a family. Apples and oranges are identical twins when
>placed next to governments and families. And yet many people focused on
>the second part of the statement, while ignoring the fact that the
>premise was stupendously wrong, so wrong that it should have invalidated
>anything that followed after it.

Okay.  Disregard the flawed analogy, then, since all analogies are 
flawed to one extent or another. Government living beyond its means 
has worked so well, might living within its means perhaps be worth 
trying?  If not, why not?  (Serious questions.)

. . . ronn!  :)


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