On Nov 1, 2008, at 2:19 PM, Jon Louis Mann wrote:

>> I'm done with this conversation since
>> you ducked my question about what
>> should replace government regulation.
> our resident troll does that a lot.  i suspect he is an ayn rand  
> libertarian wannabe, or he just likes to agitate.  one would think  
> that the current collapse would wake these people up.

It depends on what they think is the cause of the current collapse. If  
you're crazy enough, I am pretty sure you can blame it on what little  
regulation remained, getting in the way of good, honest business  
people trying to do good, honest business.

I'm so tired of that old song. They've been singing it since FDR, and  
it's still not true, although they've sung it so long and so loud that  
it has actually bent many millions of minds into thinking that it is  
common sense.

It never was, it is not now, it never will be.


Government is what we let it be.


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