On Sat, 29 Nov 2008, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 28 Nov 2008, at 23:46, Dave Land wrote:
>> Some on this list have opined that religion is a great poison that
>> kills. I believe that a good deal of the damage done in the _name_ of
>> religion is, in fact, done in the name of greed.
> Worshippers of Mammon?
> Another false religion Maru

Yeah.  With some of the religious figures in the US, I think they've 
forgotten what Jesus said about not being able to serve two masters, and 
they're actually serving mammon.  And fleecing their followers to do so, 
and telling them that if they only believe, they'll have great riches on 
Earth.  Kinda contradicts the whole "lay up for yourselves treasures in 
heaven" thing, all around.

(Matthew chapter 6 contradicts a lot of things that people are doing 
*supposedly* in the name of Jesus.)



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