> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of John Williams
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 12:15 PM
> To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion
> Subject: Re: Financial institution fallout
> On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 7:32 AM, Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The purpose of a system is not the same as what it produces.
> > If it were, buying a word processor would make you a novelist.
> More egotism. Everyone in the markets must do what Nick wants them to do!

Well, I'll bite again, just to point out that you live in a society with a
social compact.  Some of it is expressed by the laws of the land, some by
custom, some by taboos, etc.  

Nick is discussing, as I think everyone but you here is how the society can
best address economics in that social compact.  The unstated assumption is
that a good economic system is the one that's best for the economic well
being participants in the system.  Even supply side economists agree with
that, they just have different ideas on what benefits the people of the US
and the people of the word than I do.  To use another example, Jon Mann and
I differ very strongly on socialism, but we have general agreement with each
other and with the supply siders on what we want for the society our
children's children's children live in.  We differ on what's the road there.

So, as members of that society, we on Brin-L choose to debate what is best.
That's not egotism.  The more you write the more I think that your problem
with all of us is that we do not believe in your metaphysics.  Perhaps, on
the odd chance you wish to persuade people, you might agree that this is a
metaphysical disagreement, and put forth your metaphysical arguments
clearly, instead of through rude comments.

Dan M. 


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