On 24/01/2009, at 8:56 PM, Richard Baker wrote:

> Charlie said:
>> It's closer to the first example you suggest than the second, but  
>> it's
>> part of a general trope of less-good science writing that pitches
>> every new minor spin on science as rewriting the whole body of theory
>> that is really starting to wind me up.
> The "Physics Revolutionised For 51st Time This Year" stories in New
> Scientist are getting a bit tedious, aren't they?

...and "Was Darwin Wrong?". Again. Gah.

(The answer being "For the most part, no, actually...". If you  
haven't, read The Origin - it's still fascinating to see him making  
the case, responding to foreseen critiques, and even extensive use of  
a model organism.).


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