On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Rceeberger<rceeber...@comcast.net> wrote:

> I don't see how turning your PC into a dumb terminal could be considered an 
> advance.
> I'm not storing my stuff on Google's servers.

My impression is that the "Chrome OS" will allow you to avoid just
what you say above. It is an actual OS, although probably "OS lite"
would be a better term. It will be able to run programs on your own
CPU, provided they conform to whatever API google is coding, and it
will be able to store files locally on your computer.

I believe you are thinking of the google apps, which behave as you
write above. But I'm guessing that the google apps will be able to be
easily ported to the Chrome OS API, and then run locally on a Chrome
OS computer.

My prediction is that Chrome OS will never gain significant market
share for high-powered computers, but it may make some inroads in
"netbooks" (which are in between a notebook and a smart phone in terms
of power). Of course, the google says Chrome OS is still a year or
more from release, which is a long time in computer years....


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