On Jul 8, 2009, at 8:35 PM, John Williams wrote:

My prediction is that Chrome OS will never gain significant market
share for high-powered computers, but it may make some inroads in
"netbooks" (which are in between a notebook and a smart phone in terms
of power). Of course, the google says Chrome OS is still a year or
more from release, which is a long time in computer years....

Best comments so far about Chrome OS are from Fake Steve Jobs, who really nails it:


or, if you prefer full-blooded URLs:


It's brilliant start to finish, but I especially liked:

    Trying to make an OS out of Chrome is like saying you're going
    to turn a Pontiac Aztek into a stretch limousine. I suppose it
    could be done, but why?


    Honestly, Google, is there anyone in charge over there? Is there
    anyone who knows how to criticize anything in that fucked up
    little Montessori preschool of yours? I mean I guess it's nice
    that you all get to spend 20 percent of your time dreaming up
    useless shit, and I guess you have to use the Montessori method
    and tell everyone that whatever little piece of shit they've
    created is just so wonderful and perfect and beautiful -- but
    really, as I've told Eric before, that doesn't mean you have to
    release everything these bozos dream up.



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