Original Message:
From: John Williams jwilliams4...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 18:59:48 -0700
To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
Subject: Re: WeChooseTheMoon

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 5:55 PM, Dan M<dsummersmi...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Folks do get health care, just not in an efficient or timely fashion.  In
> fact, my Republican congressman says that about 20% of the cost of health
> care for those with insurance is covering the care and the overhead for
> hiding the cost of the care of those who can't pay for the care they need
> not to die.

>I can pay not to die? Is there a guarantee?

I know you are neither stupid nor ignorant.  Why don't you converse in a
manner that adresses the ideas presented instead of trying to find  a way
not to?

> I have A Modest Proposal on this.  The free market would be part of
> evolution....those who cannot afford healthcare would be considered unfit
> until all humans could afford it. :-)

>"It"? Afford what, exactly? Presumably I don't get the joke.

Health care if one gets seriously ill twice.  Come on, you have to know the
underlying facts. Why not present your vantage point given those facts. 
There are arguements for the free market. My Congressman wants a free
market solution, and I respect him because he doesn't pretend facts don't

I realize you can make smart ass comments, but I've been hearing back from
when newsgroups were new and hot. Don't they get boring?  Why not agree
upon facts and play chess; where one's opponents are one's friends because
they are the ones who help you understand more?

Dan M. 

Dan M. 

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