On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Doug Pensinger<brig...@zo.com> wrote:
> So who has a Kindle (I know someone mentioned them before), how do you like
> it and what do you read on it?
> I just got one today and am attempting to download the NY Times (free 14 day
> trial) right now.  It seems like it's taking a long time...

I have a Kindle DX. I'm pleased with the display size and contrast. I
am less than pleased at the navigation, which is klunky, but I knew
that before I bought it.

I don't read any newspapers on it, since I tend to get my news from
the web with a computer. I read mostly fiction on it. My library of
paper books takes up a lot of space, and I wanted to reduce its size,
or at least stop its growth. Unfortunately, few of the science fiction
books in my library are available in Kindle format, less than 1 in 5.
Fortunately, most new releases come out in Kindle now, but often
delayed some time after the hard cover is released.

I'm not sure why your download is taking a long time, unless it is a
problem with the NYT system. When I download books over the cell
network ("Whispernet"), it generally only takes a few seconds, never
more than a minute. My Kindle is able to get a 3G connection with 4 or
5 bars in my home. Does yours have a similar signal?


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