Gary Nunn wrote:
Warehouse 13 - After two episodes, I'm not impressed or hooked yet, but I'll
give it a few more episodes.

I got a kick out of the first episode and I think that it might have staying power. Certainly it is "yet another monster of the week" program (albeit substitute gadget/oddity for monster), but it is playful and fun. I really like the bits of steampunk in the Warehouse itself. Certainly there are some fun things in thinking about such a crazy project that it would bring such (later in life) enemies as Thomas Edison and Nicolai Tesla together to build such a bizarre facility...

There are neat hints that a deeper through-storyline is building and with Jane Espenson helming I've got a feeling that we can expect the show to cross a few boundaries that we might think are "set in stone" in the formula even though we've only seen a few episodes thus far.

I guess most importantly is that it plays very well in a duo with Eureka (which thanks to the magic of Hulu end up scheduled on the same nights for me) and I think its good to have more "science is awesome" in television, even if it is pseudo-science as most of Warehouse 13 appears.

Speaking of "science is awesome" on television, please tell me that you all are watching Better Off Ted? It's like The Office meets Eureka (with a dash of Arrested Development and a dash of Pushing Daisies); it's a fun comedy about (R&D) middle management at a "mega-science" corporation, Veridian Dynamics, that builds crazy things like weaponized pumpkins and hover shoes. It's definitely the funniest program with two major show-stealing characters that happen to be scientists that I've seen.

The last few episodes rolling are on Hulu and the premise is gentle enough that you should be able to pick it up pretty quickly. Currently the show is on the back half (6 eps) of Season 1, which I believe is also doubling as the front half leading into Season 2.

--Max Battcher--


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