That falls in with IAAMOAC.  There are dues to pay when you are a member.

-- Matt

----- Original Message ----
From: David Hobby <>
To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion <>
Sent: Friday, August 7, 2009 5:11:02 PM
Subject: Re: Br!n: Libertarian Morality--Up with good King John, down with 
Robin Hood.

Trent Shipley wrote:
>>     The moral principle that "taxes are theft" suffers from a similar
>>     limitation.  Logically taxes ARE theft.  
>> Newspeak!
> I stand behind this.  When theft is understood as any taking, except as
> punishment, then taxes are logically a form of theft.  It's a logical
> singularity, but its still logical.  It is not reasonable however.


No, taxes are not theft.  They are user fees, imposed for
the privilege of being a citizen and/or being in the country.

Is everybody happy now?




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