Libertarianism is radically individualistic. It sees civilization as a network 
of social contracts between individuals. Government and taxes are evil. One 
reason, among many, is that taxes burden the individual for the sake of the 
collective. Maybe an individual should contribute to the collective but it is 
wrong to coerce that contribution. 

IAAMOAC is not understood by libertarians the way you understand it. A 
libertarian may even deny IAAMOAC is a valid moral principle since it is not 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Grimaldi <>

Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 17:22:29 
To: Killer Bs \(David Brin et al\) Discussion<>
Subject: Re: Br!n: Libertarian Morality--Up with good King John,
        down with Robin Hood.

That falls in with IAAMOAC.  There are dues to pay when you are a member.

-- Matt

----- Original Message ----
From: David Hobby <>
To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion <>
Sent: Friday, August 7, 2009 5:11:02 PM
Subject: Re: Br!n: Libertarian Morality--Up with good King John, down with 
Robin Hood.

Trent Shipley wrote:
>>     The moral principle that "taxes are theft" suffers from a similar
>>     limitation.  Logically taxes ARE theft.  
>> Newspeak!
> I stand behind this.  When theft is understood as any taking, except as
> punishment, then taxes are logically a form of theft.  It's a logical
> singularity, but its still logical.  It is not reasonable however.


No, taxes are not theft.  They are user fees, imposed for
the privilege of being a citizen and/or being in the country.

Is everybody happy now?





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