On 12/08/2009, at 9:28 AM, Max Battcher wrote:
Anyway, it's just a crazy thought experiment (that I created for use in a short story I never wrote) and I doubt that it would be easy to amend the Constitution to try it, but it might be something to play with at local or state levels and see if it survives/replicates...
There've been a few parties that have looked to implement your idea through the 'system.'

Down here in Australia, we have Senator Online, who are looking to have a representative elected into the Senate who would vote according to how citizens vote (you will need to register as a member of the voting site, but all you need to do to qualify is be a citizen.)

With barely any promotion and having been registered less than two months prior to the last Federal election, they received >8000 direct votes (#1 preference,) with many more voting for them through preferences.


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