David wrote:

> Hi.  There I was, doing my bit to produce list traffic.
> Sorry...

No apologies needed.  I just remember so well person after person taking on
JDG trying to talk about different stuff (abortion, death penalty,
politics).  While I think Dan talked the longest and the hardest, I came to
feel the guy just got off on fanning flames of dissention. Sort of like
what's going on now, IMO.

And Yeah, the women probably are hiding.

And Keith wrote:

> If we do solve the energy crisis in a way that gets rid of fossil
> fuels, then we might still have climate change, but it isn't likely
> to be a big problem.  Enough energy and we can even pull CO2 out of
> the air.  Work it out, 300 TW years will convert 100 ppm of CO2 to
> synthetic oil which could be stored in empty oil fields.

So then, you think we should focus on the energy crisis and not worry about
the population levels?  Interesting.  If that's what you are saying, I'll
have to mull that one for a while.  I've spent so long worrying about
populations, this will be a major shift in thinking for me.  Hmmmm.

We've probably had this conversation before, as well.  Can I play the LOL
(Little old lady) card and say I don't remember?  I promise to read more and
try to commit things to long term memory this time, but I'm still concerned
about what our Grandson and Granddaughter will be facing when they're my

Amities, all

Jo Anne


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