Jo Anne wrote:
OK, Guys, what the heck is Google Wave?  Is it like what Twits do with
Tweets?  I know what a beta test is, but a Google Wave?  "Speak slowly and
directly into the microphone, please".

It depends on who you ask and how much hype they've ingested, digested, and are prepared to spew back at you...

Basically, Google Wave is an attempt at a convergence of... well, everything that is communication, actually. It tries to converge the immediacy of IM or Twitter with the long term storage and general richness of email or forum conversations or Word documents.

It has the possibility of becoming "One Inbox to Rule Them All", but that invokes a lot of assumptions that may not necessarily be true nor become true.

So far, I remain a skeptic of the project: considering how hard it is to explain the system I wonder if it is too complex to easily gain mainstream acceptance/usage.

You can watch the long video (and it is long) trying to explain the thing at the Wave website:

--Max Battcher--


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