On Nov 12, 2009, at 12:02 PM, Deborah Harrell wrote:

David Hobby <hob...@newpaltz.edu> wrote:
Debbi wrote:

Are protoplanets made of protomatter?! Just who are these surveyors,
and are they being unethical scientists!? Is protomatter related to
"protomorphogens," the 'primitive matter which makes up organs' and is
sold on a website I decline to pass on?...

Protomatter is obviously made out of protons.
Protomorphogens would be made of protists?
(Trying to keep my fields straight, here.)

Only if protists are itsy-bitsy Animorphs - or maybe that was Pokemen?
But it's definitely not Higgs bosons.

Only because the Higgs bosons came back in time to make you think so.

LHC Maru


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