> David Hobby <hob...@newpaltz.edu> wrote:
> > Deborah Harrell wrote:
> >> David Hobby <hob...@newpaltz.edu> wrote:

> >> Protomatter is obviously made out of protons.
> >> Protomorphogens would be made of protists?
> > Only if protists are itsy-bitsy Animorphs - or maybe that was Pokemen?
> > But it's definitely not Higgs bosons.
> O.K., how about stem cells, made from the
> stems of real plants?  (Yarrow could be good,
> for the I Ching connection.  But papaver somniferum was my first choice.)

I actually had to look up the latter - all the times I've seen "The Wizard of 
Oz" nothwithstanding.  As for the species, I might favor penstemon:


"... in these moments of sorrow and pain, the soul must have the courage to 
rebuild itself and the faith to trust in a higher power. Penstemon flower 
essence has enormous strengthening powers, enabling the soul to tap into 
reservoirs of courage and resilience which are normally inaccessible to human 
consciousness. At its deepest level of transformation. Penstemon essence shows 
the soul that it has freely chosen even the harshest circumstances for its 
growth and evolution..."

A lovely photo of the flower-
> > Debbi
> > Tardigrades Rule! Maru    :)
> Yes, but can I have one big enough to ride?

Funny, I just recently read a short story (old Omni paperback) about a 
clinically 'locked-in' boy who dreams of riding his teddy bear-


Oh!!! Cool video of a water bear locomoting!  Neato!!!

AKA Moss Bear Maru 



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