Michael Harney wrote:

> Trent wrote:
> "I believe that climate change is true, but that America's response
> must preserve the American way of life or to hell with the planet."
> You're kidding right?  If we go down we're taking the world with us? 
> A little Bond-villain-esqe don't you think?  Can't compromises be
> reached?  The majority of Americans are willing to give up a great
> portion of civil rights during times of war.  We can't change our
> lifestyles just a little to preserve a more stable future?
I'm half kidding, but I partly feel this way.  More importantly, I think
it reflects political reality.  Polls are showing people are less
concerned about global warming and more skeptical.  It really comes home
when you ask if you can raise electricity rates to prevent global
warming.  Polls come up with a resounding "NO!".

If you want to solve global warming it better not cost me my job,
increase my electricity bill, make me pay more for transportation,
sacrifice the quality or quantity of my transportation, or otherwise
degrade my lifestyle.

Also, it better not prevent increasing prosperity in less developed
countries.  Indeed, it better not reduce the rate at which prosperity

If you can do those things, then we can talk about fighting global warming.


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