Very few people that I know are skeptical that human activity is causing
more carbon dioxide to enter the atmosphere or that this is contributing to
a rise in global temperatures.  I do think that a lot of people are
legitimately skeptical that it is the existential threat that some people
make it out to be, or that it is the single most pressing issue of our time.
 If people are skeptical it is of politicians and lobby groups, not of

I agree that humanity should work at developing renewable energy sources,
that we should strive to make everything more energy efficient and that we
should try to eradicate waste, but I don't believe that carbon emissions are
the most pressing reason to do so.

I'd prefer to see money being spent on fusion power research, and finding
ways to harness the collective intelligence of the human race, than flying
plane loads of delegates to Copenhagen.

In fact I think that collective intelligence is the key to everything.  When
people talk about the Technological Singularity they mostly seem to think
about smart computers making smarter computers, but I think it is more about
humankind collaborating together to find better ways of collaborating.    I
have this vision of a day in the not to distant future when the collective
intelligence of humankind will be unleashed like a sort of benevolent great
eye of Modor, whose gaze when directed at even the most intractable
problems, will cause them to evaporate in a puff of logic.

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