On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 12:00 PM,  Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro
<albm...@centroin.com.br> wrote:

> Keith Henson wrote:
>> I could go into detail including the economic models, but I don't know
>> if there is anyone on this list who can follow the physics, chemistry
>> and math.
> Probably not, we are very stupid when it comes down to the math
> used in astrodynamics, chemistry or economy.
> Alberto Monteiro

I left off the other factor, lack of interest.

But if any of you want a copy of my 14 page paper "Beamed Energy and
the Economics of Space Based Solar Power" and the spread sheets that
were used to construct the models, let me know.

Please don't ask if you are not willing to read the paper (or at least try).



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