How we produce that energy needs to change too, but the levels of wastage in the US and 
Australia are verging on criminal. Cutting out waste isn't preaching a "need to 

What scientists are saying is that if we carry on with "business as usual" then 
a lot of people will suffer.
If we don't solve the energy problem as many as 6 out of 7 people will
*die* in famines and resource wars.
Please, show your working. I don't disbelieve you but if you can point to work 
on this I will read, ponder and digest. As always.

Not my work.  Try here:


Seriously? You put this much weight in a non-academic, purely speculative and, by my reasoning bullshit article. For crying out loud, the only cite in the whole article is from wikipedia. Alarmist hypotheses about running out of resources has been going on for decades, I remember growing up in the 80s and people saying that at the consumption level at that time, the majority of the world's oil reserves would be completely depleted by the year 2000. Strangely, our use of oil have dramatically increased since that time, and we still have oil now in the year 2010. And why would our Nuclear power resources be falling in the coming years as the article claims? Decommissioning old reactors? Sure, tear down an old reactor and put up a new one that is twice as efficient and a hundred times safer. I made the mistake of buying into hype all the time when I was younger. Heck, 10 years ago I was convinced that 1/3 of the land in the world would be consumed by rising oceans due to ice on Greenland and Antarctica falling into the ocean within a few decades. At the time, I could have pointed to numerous sources saying that this was going to happen, and they actually have some data from NASA, the EPA, and other credible sources to back their claims. Of course, the claims were greatly exaggerated, but at least the people tried to back up their claims with cold hard facts. This article doesn't back up anything it claims. It just states it and expects the reader to accept it blindly. Having a blog and making graphs in Microsoft Office doesn't make someone an expert.

Here is a quote from the one "study" that the author referred to.

"I further claimed, based on some preliminary and overly general calculations, that it would take on the order of three times our current total primary energy output to stabilize the world population at around 10 billion people."

This is the author of that article you posted saying this. Their own words state that their claims were based on "preliminary and overly general calculations".

In other words: Bullshit.

Michael Harney


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