On 08/07/2010, at 9:26 AM, Dan Minette wrote:
>> ...which makes ond feel worthy, satisfied... happy?
>> It's impossible to separate self-interest from that too. Frankly, everyone 
>> does things for self-interest, even altruism...
> Metaphysical presuppositions about experiences you have never had or will
> ever have stated as a priori truth?  My my. See, what's really funny, I
> _know_ how I felt when I accepted a young homeless woman to stay in my
> house.  Scared and lousy.  But, I'm sure you don't believe me, and I know I
> cannot prove how I feel empirically. 
No, I believe you. I was just tweaking. And don't ever assume you know what 
experiences others have had or will have, it's unpleasantly arroganty

But also, just 'cause something is hard doesn't mean you're not doing it for 
self-interest, even if that self-interest is living up to an artificial set of 
values, whatever they may be.

...who has been homeless. Actually properly homeless.

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