If I may put in my .02 worth...

The big pay off to having children, IMO, is...GRANDchildren.  What's that
quote?  "If I'd have known having Grandchildren was so much fun, I would
have done it first" --unknown.

I always knew I wanted to have kids, what I didn't know when I was 26 and
had the first one is how big a job it turned out to be, purple (and green
and orange) hair and all.  I also always knew I wanted to be a Nana, but I
didn't know how much in love I'd be with my Grandchildren.  It's also quite
a bit of fun to watch our daughter putting all that time and energy into
child raising and appreciate what we did for her when she was young.  I
adore the process of watching my family evolve over time.


Jo Anne


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