On Jul 25, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:

Is the Tea Party fundamentally racist? Or is it just coincidental that it formed as a black man was taking office? For years, Republicans were in office busting the budget and passing bills like Medicare D which was completely unfunded and will cost us something like $72 B a year. Where was the outrage then?


I wouldn't say it was fundamentally racist as a matter of actual policy, or at least not overtly stated policy. Most of the time, they carefully avoid using racist language or imagery in their public statements. Most of the time.

But the party also seems to leave very carefully parsed loopholes in their public statements, in general, that one could figuratively drive a Mack truck through, in terms of allowing, and one might say even enabling, racist ideology and behavior among their rank and file membership, and it's an absolute certainty to me that the party has some very racist followers, *and* that the party seems to do little if anything to discourage those followers from overtly racist behavior. And the thing that makes this a really hard question is that if you were to ask any of those hardcore racist folks in the Tea Party whether the party stands for what they believe in, the majority would probably enthusiastically say yes. And might even specifically extend that to support for their racist beliefs and ideology.

It depends on who you ask, and some of the answers you might get from the leadership would be rather interestingly uninformative if past behavior is any guide. The best I'd be able to say overall is that they are very good at claiming they aren't what they seem in practice to be. Sort of like the Nigerian scam emails that start off with "This is not spam" ..

"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." -- Thomas Jefferson


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