Better engineers, and more of them?

Lots of Stanford and Berkeley engineering graduates to hire?

When I talked about this last year with the Google people, they said that
they still believed that you got more dollars for your money hiring
engineers in Mountain View than in Durham or Austin.

They could be wrong, but I wouldn't lay long odds on it...


Brad DeLong

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Dan Minette <> wrote:

> BTW, I think that California has just seen the tip of
> the iceberg with regards to its problems.  For example, why should someone
> build a new high tech enterprise in pricy San Jose instead of cheap
> Raleigh-Durham or Austin?
> California has put itself in a box and I'd expect housing prices to drop
> another factor of before it can start to rebound.  Now, there's a topic we
> can debate. :-)
> Dan M.
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