But I didn't say everybody hated America: just that Russia looked upon the US 
and China as its adversaries; China looked upon the US and Russia as its 
adversaries, and the US looked upon Russia and China as its adversaries. 
Perfect triangulation,which probably kept the peace for decades.

As for Latin America - I think public opinion there was very closely related to 
whatever our deeds were in each specific country and period, so you'd get a lot 
of variation there. Same with other nations outside of Europe; Europe, in that 
period, was our friend. 

Does that clarify matters?


> From: albm...@centroin.com.br
> To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
> Subject: RE: the Cold War
> Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 13:34:35 -0200
> Pat Mathews wrote:
> > 
> > Of course, Russia and China didn't like each other any better
> > than we liked either one of them, or they, us. Still,
> > Kipling's Great Game went on along all three borders for
> > quite some time. 
> >
> Are you sure about that everybody-hated-America meme?
> I don't think there was too many anti-USA feeling in Russia and
> China during the 1950s and 1960s.
> The USA might be seen as a good ally in the Soviet Union, for
> its participation and support during WW2, and China certainly
> saw the USA as a liberator from the japanese atrocities - even
> if the USA supported the corrupt dictator after the War.
> Here in Latin America, anti-USA feelings only became proeminent
> when the USA sided with murderous dictatorships during the
> 1960s and 1970s, in such a way that we all thought that
> Communism was nice and pretty.
> We've had 21 years of full democracy in Brazil, and even then
> presidential candidates still want to identify themselves
> with the "left": in the last election (2010), the top-three 
> were former Commies (Dilma was arrested and tortured in the
> 1970s for affiliation with communist guerilla, Serra was exiled,
> and Marina Silva claimed to be the extreme left).
> Alberto Monteiro
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