-----Original Message-----
From: brin-l-boun...@mccmedia.com [mailto:brin-l-boun...@mccmedia.com] On
Behalf Of Klaus Stock
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 1:56 PM
To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion
Subject: Re: Where to now?


> last big innovation, and are have Apple winning market share on style 
> instead of companies providing innovation that turns the world upside 
> down

>I vaguely remember that I the past it took about 50 years from an
innovation to appear until it 
>became mainstream.

Huh?  It took geosteering 3 years to drop the price of oil by a factor of 3.
It didn't stay down because Chinese demand started up then....but its one of
the major reasons oil isn't going through the roof and why natural gas
reserves doubled.

Or, the transistor.  The transistor radio came within 10 years of the
invention of the transistor.  Computers were used by institutions soon after
that.  It took about 60 years to wring most of the potential for additional
innovation from the transistor, but now we are left with little innovation,
so style sells.

50 years is closer to the back end of reaping the harvest of an innovation.
Your idea worked only after cheap screens that printed characters that
looked like writing, not glowing images, were developed, and when you could
buy a book in a minute wherever you lived.  Sometimes the initial idea isn't

Dan M. 


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