> Spoiler warning to anyone who hasn't read Heaven's 
> Reach!! 

> And that's Alvin, Mudfoot, and Huck on Harathrurptra. 
>   (Correct spelling anyone?) 
> Mudfoot can become VERY important if Harathrumta (Sp?) 
> has Rousit.

In what way? By influencing Rousit in some way to be 
friendly to Clan Tymbrimi than their patrons are?
I wouldn't hire Tytlal for my PR campaign, that's for 

> Does anybody remember the Rousit?
> Contacting Aliens didn't.
> (The above is subject, of course, to Dr. Brin actually 
> making the Rousit clients of the Hoon. It wasn't that 
> clear in Heaven's Reach.)

Buh wait, that isn't canon? I assumed they were confirmed
Hoon clients.

> 2. Did we ever find out why Gillian wanted a herd of 
> Glavers? 
> They speak to hydrogen breathers, IIRC. 

Reading Contacting Aliens cleared that one up for me.
Though I don't recall any glavers sitting in on her
interview with the Transcendent being... then again
maybe a few were sitting in a corner wordlessly chewing 
their cud or whatever glavers do.

> (It 
> would also have made it possible for Dwer to take a 
> few back to Jijo, but I doubt David Brin would make 
> things so narratively "easy" for Jijo.)

Oops, that comment of mine was about red rings, not
glavers. But seriously, you'd think Lark would remember
Asx's request to take the original red ring to the
Sages, and try to get somebody to take some.

> And Alvin could use the bio-life preservers in 
> his sailing business. 

Ahah yeah! Hoon can't swim so they might find those
traeki scuba-gear rings handy. But then traeki were
basically written as biological Swiss-army-knives for
nearly every need... to the extent of producing
the enzymes that make it possible for humans and
maybe others to exist on Jijo without dying of
malnutrition. It makes me wonder how the Path of
Redemption folks plan on replacing that function once
traeki are mindless dirt-eaters.


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