At 04:34 PM 6/27/04, Doug Pensinger wrote:
This guy is saying the same kind of thing that I was trying to express six months before the war.

CIA Analyst Assails War on Terrorism
New Book Says U.S. Has Misjudged Muslims' Concerns and Intentions

By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, June 26, 2004; Page A13

"A new book by a senior CIA analyst who headed the agency's task force on Osama bin Laden sharply attacks the Bush administration's approach to Islamic terrorists, sternly criticizes the decision to invade Iraq and chides officials for trying to create a Western-style democracy in Afghanistan.

The author, who writes under the name "Anonymous," argues it is not dislike of freedom, democracy and Western culture that led bin Laden to wage war against America, but rather his disdain for U.S. policies and actions in the Muslim world, particularly America's relationship with Israel.

So, short of allowing Israel to be wiped out and all Jews to finally be exterminated, what does he (or anyone else who feels the same way) suggest that the US do?

-- Ronn!  :)


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