On Jun 30, 2004, at 4:10 AM, The Fool wrote:

From: William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bear with me - this isn't all about Apple although the examples are a
bit Cupertino.

The Tiger OS preview included a look at Dashboard


Which is a way of putting desk accessory gadgets on the desktop using

That's all I need to know. If it uses JavaShit, then it's complete garbage.

Upon what *specific* technical characteristics of JavaScript are you making this judgment?

Granted, the browser wars resulted in some bad and inconsistent *implementations* of JavaScript, but what is your beef with the language itself?

Knowing nothing about your technical qualifications, allow me to ask if you even clear about the difference between Java and JavaScript, and are you criticizing it because you *think* it is written in Java? And if so, what's your beef with Java?

Had it been implemented in Python, Perl, or some other cross-platform scripting language, would your analysis have been any different? Would you have preferred a platform-locked language such as Visual Basic or AppleScript?


if ( you == have_any_idea_what_you_are_talking_about ) {


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