
Condom Wars
New guidelines gut HIV prevention -- and endanger young people's lives 
by Doug Ireland
June 27, 2004
First Published in the LA Weekly

 Lethal new regulations from President Bush's Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, quietly issued with no fanfare last
week, complete the right-wing Republicans' goal of gutting HIV-prevention
education in the United States. In place of effective, disease-preventing
safe-sex education, little will soon remain except failed programs that
denounce condom use, while teaching abstinence as the only way to prevent
the spread of AIDS. And those abstinence-only programs, researchers say,
actually increase the risk of contracting AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs). 

Published on June 16 in the Federal Register, the censorious new CDC
guidelines will be mandatory for any organization that does
HIV-prevention work and also receives federal funds -- whether or not any
federal money is directly spent on their programs designed to fight the
spread of the epidemic. (The CDC is the principal federal funder of
prevention education about HIV and AIDS, and its head a Bush appointee).
It's all couched in arcane bureaucratese, but this is the Bush
administration's Big Stick — do exactly as we say, or lose your federal
funding. And nearly all of the some 3,800 AIDS service organizations
(ASOs) that do the bulk of HIV-prevention education receive at least part
of their budget from federal dollars. Without that money, they'd have to
slash programs or even close their doors. 

These new regs require the censoring of any "content" -- including
"pamphlets, brochures, fliers, curricula," "audiovisual materials" and
"pictorials (for example, posters and similar educational materials using
photographs, slides, drawings or paintings)," as well as "" and Web-based
info. They require all such "content" to eliminate anything even vaguely
"sexually suggestive" or "obscene"-- like teaching how to use a condom
correctly by putting it on a dildo, or even a cucumber. And they demand
that all such materials include information on the "lack of effectiveness
of condom use" in preventing the spread of HIV and other STDs -- in other
words, the Bush administration wants AIDS fighters to tell people:
Condoms don't work. This demented exigency flies in the face of every
competent medical body's judgment that, in the absence of an
HIV-preventing vaccine, the condom is the single most effective tool
available to protect someone from getting or spreading the AIDS virus. 

Moreover, the CDC will now take the decisions on which AIDS-fighting
educational materials actually work away from those on the frontlines of
the combat against the epidemic, and hand them over to political

This is done by requiring that Policy Review Panels, which each group
engaged in HIV prevention must have, can no longer be appointed by that
group but must instead be named by state and local health departments.
And those panels must then take a vote on every single flier or brochure
or other "content" before it is issued. 

This means that, under the new regs, political appointees will have a
veto and be able to ban anything in those educational materials they deem
"obscene" or lacking in anti-condom propaganda. With Republicans
controlling a majority of statehouses, and having handed over control of
the health departments to folks deemed acceptable to the Christian right
and cultural conservatives in many Southern and Midwestern states -- and
the rest of public-health departments notoriously subservient to
political pressure from the state and local legislatures that control
their appropriations -- anti-condom junk science that plays politics with
people's lives will rule the day. 

Under the new regs, it will be impossible even to track the spread of
unsafe sexual practices -- because the CDC's politically inspired
censorship includes "questionnaires and survey materials" and thus would
forbid asking people if they engage in specific sexual acts without
protection against HIV. For that too would be "obscene." (Questions about
gay kids have already disappeared from the CDC's national Youth Risk
Survey after Christian-right pressure). 

So what will be left? Why, the abstinence-only ed programs dear to Bush's
heart and to the Christian right. A third of all federal HIV-education
money -- some $270 million more in Bush's latest budget -- now goes to
abstinence-only programs, almost universally to Christian groups as part
of Bush's "faith-based initiatives" (no Jewish or Muslim groups receive
any funds). This is a brilliant maneuver -- Bush has turned money
earmarked for fighting AIDS into political pork for his Christer base.
Much of this money goes to anti-abortion groups masquerading as "women's
health" or "crisis-pregnancy" centers. Others receiving such funds engage
in religious propaganda -- a federal judge found that Louisiana's
federally funded Governor's Program on Abstinence illegally handed out
Bibles, staged anti-abortion prayer rallies outside women's clinics, and
had students perform Bible-based skits. 

Yet Bush's Health and Human Services Department refused demands to audit
the Louisiana program, while at the same time conducting repeated
harassing audits of effective AIDS-fighting groups that have vigorously
protested Bush policies on AIDS, like New York's Gay Men's Health Crisis
and San Francisco's Stop AIDS Project. (The latter lost its federal
funding earlier this year for sex-ed thought crimes similar to those
banned in the new CDC regs -- a pre-emptive warning to all other ASOs to
toe the Bush-Christer line -- and subsequently got a $100 contribution
from former Bush AIDS czar Scott Evertz, ousted by Bush's theocrats, to
help continue what he called Stop AIDS's "good work"). 

Teaching about condoms doesn't increase sexual activity and certainly
doesn't increase unprotected sex, but abstinence-only ed does both. For
example, a Minnesota Department of Health study of the state's five-year,
abstinence-only program found last year that sexual activity by students
taking the program actually doubled, from 5.8 percent to 12.4 percent. 

Even more alarming, a study by Columbia University Department of
Sociology chairman Peter Bearman of the sex lives of 12,000 adolescents
from 12 to 18 years old over a five-year period found unsafe sex much
greater among youth who'd signed pledges to abstain from sex until
(heterosexual) marriage (a key component of most abstinence only–based
education programs, which leave gay kids, who can't get married in 49
states, to face a lifetime of chastity). 

The Columbia study, released last March and financed in part by the
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, showed that
while 59 percent of teenage males who did not pledge abstinence used a
condom during sex, only 40 percent of abstinence-pledging boys used a
condom. As Bearman told The New York Times, telling teens "to ‘just say
no,' without understanding risk or how to protect oneself from risk,
turns out to create greater risk" of HIV and other STDs. In his study, 88
percent of those who'd pledged chastity reported having sex before
marriage. The large Bearman study confirms one published in the American
Journal of Sociology in 2001, which showed that pent-up sexual desire and
failure to realize risk exposure among students in abstinence-only
programs made them a third less likely to use condoms than others, even
if, on average, they began having sex a year and half later. 

All those numbers help explain why the new CDC regs are causing outrage
and anguish among leaders in the AIDS community. "Kids are being taught
that condoms don't work, while real life-saving HIV education is being
eviscerated across the board," fumes Sean Strub, founder of POZ, the
magazine for the HIV-positive community. And, Strub points out, the Bush
administration has hamstrung AIDS organizations, "which are faced with
the terrible choice of prioritizing care for existing HIV-positive
clients over speaking out against the new CDC rules and risking losing
their federal funding." 

There's only a tiny window of opportunity to try to get the new CDC
censorship rules changed before they go into effect (the deadline for
public comments is August 16 -- they may be e-mailed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or faxed to 404-639-3125.) But when the regs begin to
be felt, just watch already-rising AIDS infection rates really soar. 

Doug Ireland is a New York-based media critic and commentator whose
articles appear regularly in The Nation, Tom Paine.com, and In These
Times among many others. This article first appeared in the LA Weekly.

"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the
mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise, every
expanded project." - James Madison


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