Erik Reuter wrote:
> I wasn't expecting much from Stargate Atlantis, and unfortunately I was
> not surprised. I give it a 3.5 out of 6 , the 6 categories being:
> +1 : O'Neil's replacement - Sheppard, looks interesting
> +1.5 : Hammond's replacement - Weir, more depth than Hammond
> +1 : Teal'c 's replacement - Teyla, is she good or bad?
> 0  : Carter's replacement - McKay (sp?), thoroughly boring and cliched
> 0  : Jackson's replacement - Ford, no where near as interesting as Jackson
> 0  : the Goa'ould replacement - Wraiths, cheap horror movie crap
> Atlantis was also full of plot holes and inconsistencies. It was
> clearly a work of keeping the gravy train running rather than a labor
> of love. It does have one thing going for it, they opened up a whole
> new galaxy for the team to travel around, so there is room for writers
> to come up with some good "short stories" in each episode. But the
> foundation they laid for the story arc is really shaky.

I missed everything after the MALP started into the stargate after
they'd dialed to the other galaxy.  Did I miss anything I'd care about
later?  (I was holding a baby, saying, "The MALP is going into the
Stargate!  The MALP is going into the Stargate!" and realized it was
time for *someone* to go to bed.)


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