> Where do you propose to fit these "10 separate 2-hour occasions"

10 different players each giving just one 2 hour session in a 12month
period to help a growing team or one that has stalled in terms of
progressing their game. I've participated in/done 2 impromptu
sessions/training in the last month alone: one with Thundering Herd and
the other the London women. I speak to other people on other teams which
are literally crying out for some decent coaching. Somebody just mailed
Britdisc wanting to pay a coach - that should make us all sit up and
think seriously about how the sport is changing.

Are you that busy Jamie that you couldn't help one team for 2 hours once
in a 12 month period at a time and date that was convenient for you?
Couldn't you go to IKEA one less time? Watch one less DVD one afternoon?
Play with little Jamie a little less? ;-)

Maybe the teams/individuals that do participate could get reduced/free
UKUA membership for next year. Maybe we feel the costs should be met by
those teams who benefit directly. Dunno.

One thing I can't believe is that someone as well-informed (perhaps read
crazy about Ultimate instead..) as myself still knows absolutely zero
about the coaching initiative the UKUA is running - if I don't know, how
on earth do these teams know what help they can get? People have been
working on it literally for years....oh lord now I'm going to get my
head bitten off again for even pointing this out...

But then again Jack suggested we pay some of the UKUA officers and there
was virtually no feedback at all from the apathetic masses.

> We spend most of our time training so we can beat Clapham!
I do believe Blade expressed it best at the end of the first movie -
'Why do some people always try to ice skate uphill?' ;-)


PS The word wasn't people but some copulatory noun and 'ers' at the end.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 16 December 2003 13:47
To: Roger Thomson
Subject: Re: Coach for Hire ?


Where do you propose to fit these "10 separate 2-hour occasions" into
Ultimate calendar? Perhaps on the same days as Winter League?

IMHO most Ultimate players in the top 16 would love to have all this
time to help the wider Ultimate community, but they don't. We spend most
our time training so we can beat Clapham!

A nice idea Roger but you'd be better concentrating on soon to be
players (like yourself!) who will suddenly find themselves with lots of
free time.


Jaimie Cross
General Secretary
#7 LeedsLeedsLeeds
078767 51813

Roger Thomson writes:

> I've been thinking for a few months now that we should institute a
> scheme whereby teams finishing in the Top16 @ Nationals are *obliged*
> make a coach available on perhaps 10 separate 2-hour occasions over
> next year. The 'coached' teams should pay the coaches expenses and
> perhaps we could have something like a slave auction so that the top
> coaches go to the teams that want them most. Just an idea, but one
> I think would appeal to the teams which are struggling to improve as
> quickly as they like and who aren't as spoiled as some of us by the
> quality of coaching we get.
> r

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