As a Tour B player who has been playing for under a year,  "I want the
main focus of any tournament bid to be the conditions in which I play
Ultimate i.e. flat, level, and correctly sized pitches, water at all the
pitches, all the time, plenty of space to warm up and down, shelter,
plenty of game discs, appropriate catering etc, and I would also like a
score/time-keeper at every pitch. "

Different people approach any sport differently, especially Ultimate,
where there is such a big focus on friendship and spirit within the
game.  It is easy to think that those who are at the very top of the
game, in the A tour, care about playing ultimate as a sport, and those
who aren't as good aren't really that bothered and just enjoy it for the
social side.  There are definately players who care about the party and
about meeting people more than they care about winning their next match,
and thats not a bad thing, its their personal choice.  However, its not
just people at the top of the game that care about ultimate as a sport.
The people I trained with every week throughout the freezing winter were
doing it to improve their game, not for any social fun, yet they play
Tour B.

Everytime I'm at a tournament with top teams, I always try and go and
watch some matches to learn stuff and to get inspired and fired-up for
ultimate, and this has been a really important part of my development as
a player this year.  Many Tour B players look up to the players in the A
Tour and try to push themselves on to be that good.  Going to a
tournament and not seeing the Tour A final would be a real loss.  I
think by further seperating the tours, you are encouraging Tour B to the
be the "party" tour and Tour A to be the "ultimate" tour, and i don't
think thats the way it should be.

I agree that it is important to try and raise this countries game to the
same standard as America's, but if new players such as myself, who are
dedicated to ultimate as a sport, are not given the chance to see top UK
ultimate, surely it is going to be much harder for us to break though
and see high-level ultimate for what it is.

I understand it must be frustrating for top team players when conditions
aren't satisfactory or when they feel the wrong emphasis is being put on
parties etc, but please realise that this ultimate-for-fun attitude does
not cover all those who aren't YET good enough to be Tour A players. I
understand that this was not necessarily what you were saying Jaimie,
but I think it is a risk that that misconception could flurish.

Cheers for reading.

My views, not my clubs'.
utb #18


I agree with what Rob Alpen (apart from the mixed game in this country
going into decline!) and Rob Mitchell said.
        What is the point in splitting the Tour if everyone is going to be playing
on the same pitches? What the split allows us to do is recognise that there
are significant differences between Ultimate being played by the top
4/8/16, and those lower down.
        As an A-Tour player, I want the main focus of any tournament bid to be the
conditions in which I play Ultimate i.e. flat, level, and correctly sized
pitches, water at all the pitches, all the time, plenty of space to warm up
and down, shelter, plenty of game discs, appropriate catering etc, and I
would also like a score/time-keeper at every pitch. I am willing to pay
however much this costs, and lets be honest, for most *serious* Ultimate
players, tournament fees are a fraction of the overall cost of playing
Ultimate. What I do not care about is whether there is a party, whether
everyone in the country who has picked up a disc is there, and I certainly
do not want teams in fancy dress or who feel the need to sing me a
well-rehearsed song after the game, even though they do not know the rules!
        I want all this because I play Ultimate as a sport, and want the game in
this country to develop to the point where we are up there with the North
Americans, which we will not be able to do with everyone at the same event.
I recognise that not everyone feels the same way, and that these things are
not mutually exclusive, but splitting the Tour allows the emphasis to be
different and the needs of the participants to be met.


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