Jon Palmer and Matt McLoughlin make some of the best suggestions to
date.  I think that one of the biggest obstacles to improving UK
Ultimate is that the feeder process of getting to the A-tour is weak.
The only real way to get into Ultimate in the UK at the moment is to
start at University.  What about drawing on company teams?  What about
local community centres?  Jon's suggestion about the top clubs coaching
is inspired.  I've heard that Furious does something similar.  They
either have a clinic each week or they send out their players to local
team practices to help coach new/developing players.  Couldn't Clapham,
Leeds and the other top (or not so top) geo teams do the same?  Clinics
are a great way to get new players out, learn new skills and generally
spread the word.  You can even send out general invites to local high
schools and universities.  (If Furious players are willing to do it,
shouldn't UK A-Tour players be willing to help their sport grow in the
same way?)

In terms of drawing more players and promoting women in the sport,
although I'd argue that Mixed should be no more 'relaxed' than Open,
separating the Tours is a great option.  It would allow real Mixed teams
to develop, which is the only way that GB Mixed will ever compete with
the North American teams.  (Not including beach - kudos to GB Mixed
success in Portugal!)  

On a final note, although observers make it easier to resolve
differences of opinion, Ultimate already has a built in mechanism for
resolving these arguments.  It's called Spirit.  

Red Dog

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