hello all,

i am finally pleased to announce that the annual
Sheffield Beginners tournement is back, albeit with a
slight twist...

This year, due to unavoidable (and incredibly
annoying) venue issues, Sheffield Beginners 2004 is
being held in Leeds, and co-hosted by Jedi - the event
will be organised and run as usual by Sheffield
University's very own Phat 'Eds, whilst Leeds Jedi
will be providing the accomodation and party...

So i welcome you all to come and take part in the
fifth annual Sheffield/first and only Sheffield &
Leeds Beginners 2004.

----- * EVENT DETAILS * -----

The event will take place on Saturday and Sunday
23RD/24th OCTOBER (cunningly placed so it wont clash
with Lougborough or Edinburgh
begininers ;-)

The event will be held at the Leeds Univeristy campus
Sports Centre (previous venue for Indoor Nationals and
Northern Regionals). The address of the venue is:

University of Leeds 
Sports Centre
Willow Terrace Road

Accomodation, provided by Leeds Jedi, will most likely
be floor space in halls/houses of club members. TBC at
a later date.

Party TBA at later date.

----- * TOURNEMENT FORMAT * -----

Sheffield & Leeds Beginners has space for 24 teams, as
usual divided into: 

a 16-team Beginners tournement


an 8-team Experienced mini-tournement 

These will run side-by-side over the course of the
weekend, with the Experienced tournement intended as a
showcase of higher quality Ultimate for all the
beginners to watch and hopefully learn from.

Beginners teams must meet the following criteria-   

a "Beginners" team may only field ONE experienced
player on the pitch at any one time, playing
alongside four beginners players in a coaching role -
The experienced player may not score points
but may assist, and must be differentiated from
beginner players by the silliest hat possible (prizes
for best hat, so lets be inventive people...)

A Beginner is classed as anyone who has played for
LESS than a total of 3 months - any more than 3
months and that player then becomes Experienced.  

Experienced teams, for the mini-tournement,
can field anyone of any standard.  

----- * TOURNEMENT ENTRY * -----

If any teams wish to enter either in the Beginners
and/or Experienced catgeory, then please send in your
entry fees in the form of a cheque ASAP, to guarantee
a space for your team, to:

Tom Howard
160 Crookesmoor Road
South Yorkshire
S6 3FS

The cost of entry, regardless of which division you
are entering, is £90.00 PER TEAM 

Cheques should be made payable to THOMAS HOWARD

As usual, a cheque guarantees a place on a
first-come-first-served basis - though please note
that second teams are only welcome in the Beginners

Wherever possible, please write seperate cheques for
each team being entered in each division, and please
write on the back of the cheque which team and divison
it is for.

With your cheques, please provide the following

* Name and divison of team entered
* Team contact (name)
* Contact email address
* Contact phone number
* Accomodation requirements (if known)

In addition to a paper copy of these details sent with
the cheque, please email me at BOTH
the addresses below:   


Once team-slots are filled, any cheques recieved after
this date will be kept in reserve in the order they
arrive - should any drop-outs occur, the first reserve
team will then be notified and their cheque cashed,
and so-on down the list. Teams will be notified of
their status as an entered/reserve team once places
have been filled, via their contact's email address.

----- -----

apologies for the lateness of this email in reaching
you all,

looking forward to hearing from interested teams ASAP,

thanks all, 

Tom Howard  

Phat 'Eds Club-Captain 

Visit our website at www.shef.ac.uk/~ultimate

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