once again, Tom says what many must be thinking :-)  

Nonetheless, he's as guilty as most contributors for making BD emails quite 
painful sometimes (eg 'fewer' not 'less' in point 2 for a start!). 

Grammar, good spelling and punctuation might be old hat to most of you fresh 
young things, but if you get them right, any message (and there are plenty of 
good ones) can be worthwhile reading.  Get them wrong and the sense of the 
message can easily become garbled and misunderstood.  You're intelligent 
people, right?  It doesn't take long to scan what you've written before you hit 
Send.  Remember there are hundreds of BD readers out there, and you don't want 
to make a fool of yourself now, do you?

My two penn'orth.  Any mistakes or typos herein not my fault, obviously :-)

See you on the field
Mother Tongue, Germany - the only team whose raison d'ĂȘtre is being native 
English speakers

PS Adam Batchelor is... no I couldn't possibly

From: tom white 
To: britdisc@near.me.uk 
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 11:33:32 +0100 


It seems to me that the overall quality of BD discussions is going down. There 
are a few factors that are contributing to this decline. 

1) less imformed people writing to BD 
2) less personal comments, and insults directed at writers 
3) less use of stars to indicate missing letters 
4) I'm not writing enough (hence this email) 

Now can someone please write an email saying that adam batchelor is a c***? 



p.s. I would settle for any ex druid, red or sublime player being humiliated.

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