Dear Britdisc

Firstly apologies if you feel this email is abusing the list but as the Uk
Ultimate community now contains a large number of players from Australia
(well in London and Leeds mixed) I thought it would be the best place to
acquire the information I am after.

A friend of mine has recently been studying sports massage and is currently
applying his trade to players in Manchester but his main aim is to move to
Australia.  Whilst out there he was planning to offer his services to the
organisers of WUCC2006 in Perth but he would like some background

*       Has sports massage taken off in Oz compared to the UK?
*       Do sports teams/individuals over there utilise sports massage?
*       Do you think he would find it easy to earn money in Oz from sports
*       Would he be better approaching teams, or advertising in some way
(e.g. going to competitions to give free massages) over in Oz?

If you could help me acquire any answers to these questions it would be much
appreciated and you never know at WUCC2006 you might just get your muscle
injury treated by him!

BritDisc mailing list
Staying informed -

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