I too received my copy this weekend and appreciate the
work and effort gone into the DVD. However I am
ultimately (excuse the pun) rather disappointed. Yes
we should support our home grown efforts, and as such
I hoped for footage of all our squads out in Finland.
Out of the 510 minutes of ultimate there is something
like 10 seconds of the GB Junior Women. (No, I've not
sat through the whole thing yet, just the disc one
highlights, as there are no junior women featured
games on either disc).

Now I'm the first to admit that the Junior women's
games weren't the most aesthetically pleasing of the
week, but that's not the point. They worked damn hard
out there, and came away with some bling -  not that
you'd know from the DVD as there was not even footage
of them receiving Spirit. Surely that was something
worth showing? (Especially in the light of Rich's
comments re. bad calls during the week).

Every year the UK ultimate community goes on about how
important it is to encourage juniors blah blah blah,
but people still seem to be missing the point. There
has to be coverage, photos, reports, and general
support for what is happening on the junior scene,
otherwise it will not grow and flourish. 

I do applaud what Roadiefilms have produced, there's
some great ultimate on there, but I'd like to think
that anyone producing such works in the future can
highlight the whole UK ultimate community. There was a
great section on the DVD about the South African
juniors, why not interview the future stars (male and
female) of British ultimate too?

Ok, enough,

Catherine Moore
(no longer junior women's coach but still feeling
passionate about it)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Having picked up a copy of 'Flat World' courtesy of
> Lookfly's presence in Sheffield, I started watching
> the highlights disc last night.  Yes, it'll be
> painful viewing for some of us, but it's pretty
> cool, with the effort lavished upon it plain to see.
>  Props to Si, Gynga, & all those involved in the
> production.
> One thought though: Roadie Films advertised their
> desire for audience participation by running the
> 'cliché competition'.  Did they also pick up on the
> Spirit grumblings and deliberately include choice
> replays that show just how bad calls can be?  I
> haven't got all the way through the 8.5 hours of
> ultimate yet, but there's one obscene line call by
> the Japanese Open team against the Germans, and one
> pretty poor foul call against the Swedes.  Still, if
> the DVD can reignite my ire over international
> spirit, it might serve to distract from personal
> disappointment at Team GB's showing!
> Whatever the intent of the team, it's a welcome
> addition to my Ultimate media, and I'm looking
> forward to the rest of the material.  If you haven't
> got a copy, go support our home-grown efforts, eh?
> --
> Rich Hims
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