Heikki Skrev:> I certainly like the idea of adding 'other' in the list. 
Actually, to all
> lists - I often use malts that are not listed (when I roast my own), or
> hops (what ever I happen to find in the shops)...
> I am not too happy about too many extra input fields, the screen is already
> packed full with data. There is a good generic comment field near the bottom.
> I already comment my stranger materials there.
Det kunne være et OK kompromis: At tilføje et "Other - see comments" felt i 
alle drop-down lister således at det klart fremgår hvor man skal læse.

> BTW, how do you get a "Yorkshire Square Ale" in round bottles?

Problemet opstår længe inden. Jeg bruger runde gærspande...
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