On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 10:10:37PM +0200, Ebbe Kristensen wrote:
> > For my everyday mild ales, I mash 72 degrees for 5 minutes, and mash out
> with 
> > boiling water! I get quite a nice body in a beer of 2% alc, or less.
> Interessant. Kunne man få dig til at fortælle lidt mere om det? Maltmængde,
> hvor meget øl der kommer ud af det og hvad der ellers er relevant for at
> kunne lave en svag øl?

Well, there isn't so much to tell. The big secret is in the mash program,
which I already explained above. I happen to like a lot of hops in my beers, 
so that's what I give them. I have made both pale and darker versions, in the
summer I preferred the pale ones. I guess the next batch will be a tad
darker, to match the season... 

You can see an example in
(or many others I have on beercalc)

Key points from that one:
  OG: 1038  (as if I was amking a 4% beer)
  FG: 1025  (lots of body left in the beer, but not much alcohol)
  Mash efficiency 55% - I always have a low efficiency, and it varies a lot.
  IBU: 116 - maybe a tad on the high side, but hey, I like my hops. 

Some comments about the hops: 60 IBU would be quite sufficient. My IBU
calculations are always totally off, because I reuse my hops. The majority of
the hops go in around 5 minutes, but when I take the pot to cool, I move the
hop bag(s) in my second pot - I have to boil in two pots to get my 23 liters 
in the bucket... Naturally beercalc can not handle such an advanced process,
but that doesn't matter, I drink the beer and not the IBU numbers. The result 
tends to be lots of hop aroma, and a solid bitterness...

I am not overly precise with these mild ales, I don't really care if they end
at 2.5% or 1.6% - they are for everyday consumption, aiming for high
drinkability, and something I can safely consume on a weekday evening, and
still get some stuff done...

I haven't been below 1% yet, but I have a dream of getting there some day. I
believe even that will be 

  beer anyway

Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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