Dear oom Han yang baik,

    Baru tadi saya mendengar berita dari kolega saya yang melakukan export 
ke Uni Emirat Arab - Dubai, pelanggannya yang di UAE itu tadi telp kolega 
saya dan cerita bahwa sekarang di Dubai banyak orang yang stres & hampir 
bunuh diri karena saham ambruk.

    Rasanya kemerosotan nilai saham terlalu berpengaruh luas keseluruh 
dunia, hari ini harga emas Rp.286.000,- naik 1.000 dari harga kemarin, kurs 
rupiah sempat menembus level 10.300/US$ sebelum akhirnya turun lagi ke level 
9.850/US$, tapi tetep aja naik gila dibandingkan kemarin 9.700/US$.

    Yang saya bingung knapa duit australia & singapore juga turun ya? Tapi 
hari ini singapore naik....

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Han Hwie Song" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "HKSIS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Tionghoa-net" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Budaya Tionghua" 
<>; "Ureca " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
"Nasional-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jonathan Goeij" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "komunitas-tionghoa" 
Sent: Friday, 10 October, 2008 15:55
Subject: [t-net] Re:IMF: China economy to continue rapid growth

> Sdr. Sdr. milis yang baik,
> Dunia sekarang sedang kena flu ekonomi yang berat, terutama negara-negara
> Barat demikian pula Jepang.Resesi ekonomi ini dimulai diUSA karena
> problema-problema bank yang terus menjalar ke Eropa. Di Eropa banyak
> bank-bank yang bahaya bankrut di beli oleh pemerintah. Dan nanti kalau
> situasi membaik dijual lagi pada partikulir, dengan demikian bagi orang 
> yang
> mempunyai uang simpanan dibank terjamin.
> Kesulitan ekonomi ini ditambah karena para pemegang saham tidak percaya 
> pada
> ekonomi Barat, sehingga harga-harga saham turun dengan spektakuler.
> Tetapi dinegara-negara Asia problema bank kayanya sepertinya agak
> tenang-tenang.
> Kalau kita lihat RRT dan negara-negara eksportir minyak seperti Rusia dan
> negara-negara Arab seperti Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai 
> etc.etc.perkembangan
> ekonominya tetap jalan dengan smooth, meskipun agak menurun karena 
> kurangnya
> eksport.
> Saya silahkan anda baca artikel dari IMF mengenai economi RRT dibawah ini:
> IMF: China economy to continue rapid growth
> 16:08, October 09, 2008
> China's economic growth will slow down this year and next, but it is
> expected to reach 9.7% and 9.3% respectively, according to World Economic
> Outlook, released by International Monetary Fund (IMF) Wednesday.
> The report says China's economic growth in the first half will lower than
> the same period of last year due to such factors as the slowing export
> growth, but the economy will remain vibrant boosted by the increase in the
> investment and steady consumption.
> The report says compared to 10% of increase last year, growth in Asia's
> emerging economies this year and next will slow down to 8.4% and 7.7%
> respectively due to declining demand in advanced economies as well as the
> regional financial market turmoil. India's economic growth this year and
> next is expected to reach 7.9% and 6.9% respectively, also lower than last
> year's 9.3% .
> The urgent task of policy-makers in Asia's emerging economies at present 
> is
> to cope with the global financial turmoil and the slowing economic growth,
> as well as the risk of inflation, according to the report. It also 
> stresses
> that compared with the increasingly serious risks of economic slow-down, 
> the
> inflation risk has reduced as result of the fall-down of oil prices and
> grain prices, so policy-makers should formulate policies accordingly.
> By People's Daily Online
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
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