David Kwa heng,
Ada yang ngerjain anda nih, saya dapat email beginian, namanya kalau ngga
salah "spoof".  Cuma Lookay ngga tahu obatnya.  Sojah, Tan Lookay

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Kwa <david_kwa2...@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 5:37 PM
Subject: Need Help!
To: david_kwa2...@yahoo.com

  Complements of the season!How are you doing?I hope you get this on time.
Am sorry i did not inform you about my travelling to United kingdom for a
program.I can barely think or type straight at this moment.Something really
terrible is happening to me right now and I will be needing Your Urgent
favour,I hope you come to my aid.

 Yesterday,I had a trip here in Kent dover (UK) for a Seminar..
Unfortunately for me I got Mugged at gun Point on my way to the hotel where
i lodged.They went away With all i have got on me including my wallet where
i have all my cash and credit card and also my cell phone.I wasn't injured
because I quickly complied.since then i have been without any money, I am
even owing the hotel bills here.Presently my traveling documents are been
held down by the hotel management pending the time i am able to Clear
bills.I contacted the police here and they only asked me to write a
statement about the incident and later reffered me to the embassy.I have
spoken to the embassy here but they are not responding to the matter
effectively.I am confused and so full of panic right now.I do not feel safe
here any more. For now,i do not have a phone where i can be reached.All i
have got here is my mail.I also have limited access to the computer.I will
tell you more about my terrible experience here when i get back home.

 I urgently require your financial assistance now.Please I need you to loan
me about (950 Pounds) to sort-out my hotel bills and other expenses incurred
so as to get myself back home soon.I Promise to refund your money
immediately i return home.
I will appreciate any amount you can quickly arrange and send to me via
Western Union or Money Gram with the details below.

Receivers Names: David Kwa
Receivers Address/location:19 New Dover Road,Canterbury
Dover Kent,CT1 3AH, United kingdom

Please remember to send me full details of the transfer or scanned copy of
the transfer receipt so that i can receive over here without any Further
delay or problem.let me know if you can be of any help Because you are the
only person i can reach at this moment.
I await your Kind response soon.


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