
The Emacs mode is much more than a simple way of editing functions in an
editor. The intention is to transform the standalone GNU APL interpreter
into some kind of IDE in a similar way as SLIME does for Common Lisp. The
Emacs mode backend provides similar functionality as the Swank backend for
Common Lisp.

You can watch the video I posted yesterday to get an idea of how it
integrates with Emacs:

As you might understand, there is a very tight level of integration there.

I would be very happy if someone would like to write a Vim frontend (for
example) utilising the same communications protocol. Currently, however,
there is only an implementation for Emacs.


On 29 April 2014 00:14, Peter Teeson <> wrote:

> Hi Elias:
> Firstly I am *totally* agnostic as to which text editor should be used.
> I don't even understand why there should be an Emacs mode.
> But since you said it's actually generic maybe we can change it's name
> to more clearly reflect its generic nature? External Editor Mode? Just a
> fleeting thought.
> [APL2 had an )Editor command]
> There does need to be state switching from (immediate) execution to
> editing to etc…
> The IBM APL2 Language Reference has a brief discussion about this in Ch 9.
> As I said I need to get up to speed on the existing mechanism.
> Right now all that I have found is the existing source "Emacs" code.
> Rather than read through a multitude of postings of something that is
> already in existence is there a document that I can read if I wished to
> interface
> e.g. TextWrangler telling me how would I go about it?
> (I don't intend to do that - just try to understand what we have now as an
> interface)
> respect
> Peter

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