
problem on my machine is that I don't have emacs installed.
And without it is difficult to reproduce. Maybe Elias can help
to narrow this down a little.

If you are not getting a "vid=" printout then the fault is probably not where I thought it would be.

The thing is that based on the information so far I can't really see what happened. To get more info, for example if this is happening during or after loading of the workspace
file you could try the following:

1. 'make develop clean all' on top level (or ./configure DYNAMIC_LOG_WANTED=yes

2. after that you can enable different logging facilities on APL level (in the case of workspace
loading that would be 39); ]log without an argument shows the numbers:

      ]log 39
      )LOAD Devices

This way we can figure step by step where the problem is. May take a while.

/// Jürgen

On 04/30/2014 02:31 PM, Blake McBride wrote:
Isn't this just such an example?

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Elias Mårtenson <loke...@gmail.com <mailto:loke...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    The Emacs mode should not be hiding the output on standard error.
    If anyone happens to see it do that, please let me know because
    that would mean you've come across a bug.


    On 30 Apr 2014 20:04, "Juergen Sauermann"
    <mailto:juergen.sauerm...@t-online.de>> wrote:

        Hi Blake,

        if the problem is that stderr gets lost, then it might help if
        you change
        Archive.cc line 1348:

                CERR << "vid=" << vid << endl;

        from CERR to COUT. That should at least show the vid that
        tells me where in the
        .apl file this happens. Just a guess because i am not that
        familiar with emacs mode.

        /// Jürgen

        On 04/29/2014 10:19 PM, Blake McBride wrote:
        I don't know how to get the vid printed on stderr since I
        only get the error running through Emacs.  If someone can
        give me a way of simulating this error without emacs, I'd be
        glad to do that.



        On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Juergen Sauermann
        <mailto:juergen.sauerm...@t-online.de>> wrote:


            I managed to reproduce this once with )LOAD Devices (and
            without emacs), but after turning Archive related
            logging on and off again I did not happen again. I have
            added some more printout so that I
            can see which value ID is causing this (SVN 237). If it
            happens again, please send me the
            .xml (if it is a different one) and the vid printed on

            /// Jürgen

            On 04/28/2014 05:11 PM, Blake McBride wrote:
            Here is the workspace.

            On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Juergen Sauermann
            <mailto:juergen.sauerm...@t-online.de>> wrote:


                I have initialized current_char in SVN 234, but
                can't see either how this would
                make a difference. I would be interested in the
                workspace file as well if the error persists.

                /// Jürgen

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