On 10 July 2014 08:03, Kacper Gutowski <mwgam...@gmail.com> wrote:

I think the main problem isn't the length of variable's name but the
> fact that regular variable is neither lexically scoped nor localized.

This is exactly my concern.

> Using ⍵⍵ might be confusing for Dyalog users where ⍺⍺ and ⍵⍵ are used
> as functional arguments of dfn operators.  But since GNU APL uses ⍶
> and ⍹ for those and it doesn't localize variables in dfns, using
> repeated ⍺/⍵ for nested arguments doesn't sound that bad.

Yes, this is precisely my opinion. It also translates well to the
outer-outer arguments like ⍵⍵⍵. One might also consider something like ⍶⍶
to refer to an outer function argument as well.


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