WIth all due respect, Blake, I understand and appreciate the differences
between filesystems and databases.

I've already said my piece regarding some of the benefits of using files
rather than a database; I won't reiterate.

To be clear: I have no objection to your creating this code. I object to
accepting your proposed implementation in satisfaction of Annex A of the
ISO APL spec.

Innovation is a good thing. However, when your task is to implement a
system which conforms to a standard, it is your duty to fully understand
the standard and the unstated assumptions upon which the standard's
author(s) constructed their requirements.

The issue is not whether a database provides advantages that a filesystem
lacks. The issue is that no component file system in the history of APL has
ever used used a database server as a storage layer.

There's no doubt in my mind that the authors of the ISO APL standard
intended for a component file system to use the host's filesystem for
storage. Standards codify existing practice; they do not speculate about
fresh new designs.

Please do go ahead and implement your components-on-SQL proposal. I truly
believe that it will find general use and acceptance. But please don't try
to replace the standard's component file system with an invention which is
clearly  *not* a component file system.

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Blake McBride <blake1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> David - SQL offers many features that are very, very important in the real
> world.  Creating file systems on top of SQL that are compliant to start off
> with, but have the potential to be augmented for real-world situations is
> extremely valuable.  For example, the way you implemented component files
> as one-table-per-database means that it is not possible to have
> transactions with more than one table.  Often, an application wants to
> update several tables that relate to each other.  SQL guarantees that they
> all make it, or they all don't.  This means the database operation is
> atomic.  It keep all the files consistent.  They way you implemented the
> component file system, this can never be accomplished.
> Another point is the number of files.  Many real-world applications have
> hundreds of tables/files.  With SQL you only need one handle to the
> database (all of the files).  Implementing as you have done, you would
> need separate handles to each file.  Also, are you going to burden the Unix
> system with all those apps connecting to all those files?  Or, are
> you limiting your implementation to toy applications?
> Another point, multi-user simultaneous access.  If you are tring to update
> several tables you'd have to exclusively lock each one, do the update,
> flush the file system, and release the lock.  It makes all file access
> (between multiple-users) sequential.  SQL solves these problems.
> Another point, if you use component file name = Unix file name, how are
> you going to prevent one APL application from clobbering another (by using
> the same name)?  With SQL they'd use different databases and there would be
> no problem.
> The list goes on.  I understand that you spent a lot of effort in your
> implementation, and it is appreciated by me and others.  I mean no offense
> with my proposal.  I really think this is the right thing for all of the
> many reasons I've given, plus many more I haven't mentioned yet.
> Respectfully,
> --blake
> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:17 PM, David Lamkins <da...@lamkins.net> wrote:
>> That's what I thought you had planned to do.
>> My objection stands. A table in a database is not a file.
>> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Blake McBride <blake1...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> There would be an association between the name passed to CF_OPEN and an
>>> SQL table with that same name.
>>> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 1:54 PM, David Lamkins <da...@lamkins.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> If I understand your proposal (and I may not), my objection is that you
>>>> don't intend to associate the name passed to CF_OPEN or CF_CREATE to a
>>>> like-named file in the host filesystem.
>>>>  On Jul 11, 2014 11:40 AM, "Blake McBride" <blake1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I don't understand.  What I am proposing to create is something that
>>>>> conforms with the APL Annex standard.  It will be implemented on top of
>>>>> Elias' SQL interface.  It will be implemented in a way that is also
>>>>> cooperative with the design and intend of SQL (since that is what it rides
>>>>> on).  What part of it is not a component file system?
>>>>> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 1:26 PM, David Lamkins <da...@lamkins.net>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Blake McBride <blake1...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Does that sound agreeable to everyone?
>>>>>> Not at all. What you're proposing to create is not a component file
>>>>>> implementation.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
>>>>>>    Albert Einstein
>>>>>> http://soundcloud.com/davidlamkins
>>>>>> http://reverbnation.com/lamkins
>>>>>> http://reverbnation.com/lcw
>>>>>> http://lamkins-guitar.com/
>>>>>> http://lamkins.net/
>>>>>> http://successful-lisp.com/
>> --
>> "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
>>    Albert Einstein
>> http://soundcloud.com/davidlamkins
>> http://reverbnation.com/lamkins
>> http://reverbnation.com/lcw
>> http://lamkins-guitar.com/
>> http://lamkins.net/
>> http://successful-lisp.com/

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
   Albert Einstein


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