
should be fixed in SVN 374.

The sqlite should be optional - Elias, there is a

*#include "apl-sqlite.hh"*

in *ResultValue**.hh* - that looks wrong.

*execinfo* is a separate lib on some platforms and part of *glibc* on others.
It is OK if the test for it fails.

/// Jürgen

iOn 07/14/2014 02:37 PM, Blake McBride wrote:

I installed GNU APL on raw LinuxMint 16 and 17 and came up with the following differences from what is stated in the README-1-prerequisits file. Note that since LinuxMint is built on to of Ubuntu, Ubuntu installs should be the same.

1. Although ./configure worked out-of-the-box without warnings, APL did not build. It failed. In order to get it to build, I had to install the following packages (which were not checked/verified by the configure script, but are _required_):

    (should probably install sqlite3 too)

Note that requiring sqlite3-dev is a surprise.

2. The list of suggested packages given in README-1-prerequisits is incorrect or out-of-date. It should be:

    libreadline-dev (or libreadline6-dev)  - there is no libreadline5-dev
    libncurses5-dev - there is no ncurses-dev
    libpq-dev (if PostgreSQL support is desired)

3. I noticed that the system can't find library execinfo. Where is that? (What package might that be in? I can't find it.)



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