>>>>>  DK == David Kastrup [2014-11-3]

DK> The point of almost all input methods is to map plain ASCII to
DK> non-ASCII, like "u -> ü or even (TeX input method) \infty -> ∞.

Of course, reading again what I wrote, I realize I wrote something
silly.  What I meant is: what does stop one from typing C-\ to toggle
the input method and have plain ASCII map to plain ASCII?

>>>>>  TH == Tassilo Horn [2014-11-3]


TH> For example, you want to write "sec:" literally and end up with
TH> "sec̈".

But I can easily (?) type "s e c C-\ C-\ :" instead.


TH> So let's wait a few days for others to comment on their views, and if
TH> nobody objects, feel free to s/read-string/TeX-read-string/g then.

Fine with me.


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